Sunday, February 15, 2009

An unusual bar guest

When I feel guilty leaving Sassy and Alley at home while Jeff and I go out, I explain that I would take them with me if I could. I tell them that dogs just aren't allowed in bars and restaurants.

Unfortunately, it looks like there's a German Shepard out there who wants to make a liar out of me. This dog was at the bar Saturday night. Don't tell Sassy and Alley, they'll be very jealous. All they do is wait at home by the phone.


Anne MM said...

Oh No! Please don't tell Kapono! He would be so mad to know that there is a luckier dog out there then him! Oh NO!

Allison Kennedy said...

Home alone--how sad! :(
The dog in the bar is "shop dog," who belongs to the manager of the bike shop.

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